Красота дня — боец смешанных единоборств Анастасия Янькова, видео, фото
В новом Советском государстве кино было провозглашено «важнейшим из искусств», а заодно — главным средством пропаганды и агитации. Судьбы и сюжеты фильмов, выпускавшихся Госкино, так же как и биографии их создателей, стали зеркалом истории всей страны. Автор Евгений Марголит. У вас отключено выполнение сценариев Javascript.
Already members of the East African Legislative Assembly Eala and staff have complained about not being paid their allowances and other emoluments for the past four months. Within the broader EAC, employees fear morale could go down due to a likelihood of salaries being delayed because of diminishing resources. However in a swift response, EAC secretary-general Liberat Mfumukeko confirmed on Monday evening that a ministerial meeting would be held early this month to discuss the crisis. This, he said, has not only adversely affected the operations of EAC but could lead to delayed implementation of key projects and failure to meet the wage bill. These included a ministerial meeting which was to approve the budget to be followed by the further scrutiny by the responsible Eala committees. However, he maintained even when a new date is set for tabling; it would take approximately 30 days to complete the initial process.
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